Research and Evaluation Workshop Abstract
Animal Welfare Monitoring at the Oregon Zoo Join us as Dr. Nadja Wielebnowski and Dr. David Sheperdson lecture on the importance of welfare monitoring. Zoo animal welfare science and animal welfare assessment/monitoring has been a growing area of research and an increasingly recognized need in accredited zoos and aquariums worldwide. Indeed various accreditation bodies (e.g., ZAA, WAZA, AZA) are now asking for institutional welfare programs and animal based assessment practices. Here we will discuss resource based versus animal based assessments, inputs versus outputs for welfare assessments and monitoring, monitoring tools and key elements of individual based welfare monitoring and re- search. Physical and physiological monitoring will be discussed and specific examples presented including keeper assessments of individual animal welfare. Behavior is a key welfare measurement variable and we will discuss and demonstrate tools and techniques for assessment Environmental enrichment is a key component of welfare for zoo animals and we will discuss basic concepts including the importance of choice, control and challenge. |
Behavioral Data Collection Methodology
Karen Lewis will provide an overview of behavioral research methods and tools used in behavioral research. |