Avian 1 Abstracts
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Avian Aspergillosis: The What, How, & Whens of Infection & Treatment
Samantha Sander, DVM University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, IL Full Abstract
Avian aspergillosis can be a difficult infection to define clinically and even more difficult to know how, when, or for how long to treat a suspected case. Infection etiology and progression, diagnostic opportunities, and treatment modalities are discussed. |
Wing Injuries: Approach to Diagnosis & Treatment
Kimberly McMunn, DVM Wildcat Creek Wildlife Center, Tippecanoe Animal Hospital, IN Full Abstract
Birds are highly adapted to flight, and preservation of flight capabilities is integral to the rehabilitation process. Each rehabilitator needs to work closely with a veterinarian to diagnose the cause of an inability to fly. Rehabilitators are vital to the recovery of birds, providing necessary care and physical therapy during and after treatment. This talk covers aspects of diagnosing and treating wing injuries from the perspective of the veterinarian and best approaches to various types of wing injuries, as well as after-care and physical therapy recommendations. |
Avian Radiographs Part Deux
Nicki Rosenhagen, DVM Progressive Animal Welfare Society, WA Full Abstract
This interactive lecture serves as a follow-up to the avian radiograph lecture presented during the 2019 symposium. It provides an overview of basic radiographic anatomy and unique positioning of birds, then follows with a whole new set of cases to identify common radiographic lesions. |
Avian Necropsy Workshop Lecture
Rebecca Duerr, DVM, PhD International Bird Rescue, CA Full Abstract
A large proportion of the animals admitted for wildlife rehabilitation are birds, and rehabilitators are often faced with needing or wanting to know what was wrong with a bird that either died or was euthanized. A necropsy is a careful dissection of a dead animal in order to gain information about the cause of death. This talk presents a review of basic avian anatomy, highlights of comparative anatomy, basic instruction on how to perform a necropsy, plus discussion on what sort of problems can be identified during a necropsy versus what sort of problems require submission of samples to a laboratory for a diagnosis. This lecture is a pre-requisite for the Avian Necropsy Workshop. |