Volunteers Abstracts
Volunteer Management: Proven Ways to Use Your Best Resource Jill Argall, Jenna Cord, Humane Animal Rescue Wildlife Center Watch Video (Login required) Full Abstract
Most wildlife centers use volunteers in some capacity, but are you using them to their full potential? Taking time to evaluate your program can make a world of difference for both the people and the animals. The plan and design of your program are imperative to its success. Recruitment, screening, training, and recognition are all steps that lead to retention. Discussion includes details on the volunteer program at Humane Animal Rescue and includes topics that are useful to a program of any size. |
Recognition & Retention Opportunities for
Volunteers & Interns Jennie Baxla PAWS Wildlife Center Watch Video (Login required) Full Abstract
Well-trained and engaged volunteers are essential to the wildlife rehabilitation process and the smooth running of a wildlife facility with limited staff. While recruitment is important, and we are always looking to add additional volunteers, a primary focus should be on recognizing current volunteers for their efforts and providing enriching experiences and continuing education opportunities to keep them interested in the field and the organization. This lecture focuses on efforts PAWS has made in these areas for both volunteers and unpaid interns, while providing examples of creative ways we engage them in our work. |
Working with Volunteers
of All Abilities Jenna Cord, Jill Argall, Humane Animal Rescue Wildlife Center Watch Video (Login required) Full Abstract
Today's technology allows wildlife educators to have a much broader reach-no longer are we confined to local programming by travel costs or state boundaries! A number of online programs are available for educators to teach wildlife enthusiasts of all ages around the world, all without leaving your home or educational center. This lecture highlights some of the platforms that are worth tapping into, and discusses the pros, cons, and additional considerations. |
Getting the Most out of Eagle Scout & Gold Award Service Projects
Roger Holloway, WBS Watch Video (Login required) Full Abstract
This presentation highlights all of the steps involved in having an Eagle Scout or Gold Award candidate complete a service project to benefit your operation. Discussion includes examples of suitable projects, timelines, communication, and realistic expectations. While working with younger individuals presents challenges, with the right guidance and preparation, the potential to have useful and long-lasting projects implemented can be a reality for you and your facility. |
Online Training: Improving Staff & Volunteer Knowledge
Jacqueline Sandberg, Dane County Humane Society Watch Video (Login required) Full Abstract
Obtaining proficiency and expertise in the field of wildlife rehabilitation requires intensive study, practice, and training. Wildlife rehabilitators are largely dependent on staff or volunteers to manage larger centers or home-based operations. Training people through the use of oral presentations, written manuals, or hands-on instruction takes significant time and effort. In 2016, DCHS's Wildlife Center created individual wildlife training courses using a free, online platform: Open Learning Management. Since then, it has improved volunteer skills, increased personnel knowledge and retention, and saved significant amounts of time and money. |