Workshop Lectures Abstracts
Full Abstract
Baseline diagnostic tests can provide a tremendous amount of information in terms of what might be going on with an animal, and to provide some idea of prognosis. This workshop lecture reviews basic laboratory analysis to help contribute to the animals’ health and well-being. Performing these tests help you and your veterinarian determine the best course of treatment for the patients in your care. |
Basic Parasitology
Sarah Reich, DVM, Samantha Sander, DVM University of Illinois Watch Video (Login required) Full Abstract
Wild animals can present to a rehabilitation setting with a variety of internal and external parasites. Many of these can be easily diagnosed with the aid of a microscope and some basic supplies. Topics covered in this lecture include ectoparasite testing (tape preparations, impression smears, and skin scrapes) and endoparasite testing (wet mounts and fecal flotations). Participants learn how to acquire samples, prepare slides, and use the provided microscopes to interpret results. |